
Personal Learning Plans (PLPs)

Federal Government Employees are required to have a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) to help with their career development. This is an opportunity to identify training you would like in the next year.

You can update your PLP by submitting your learning plan to your supervisor and identify the training you think you need to advance your career and personal goals. For example, in the recent OSH survey that was conducted by the Local, off-road driving was identified as a concern to some members. Many of you are required, as part of your job, to drive in off-road conditions yet few have received any targeted training in this. The PLP is an opportunity to identify the need for this training.

When you submit your PLP to your supervisor this year don\'t forget to include off-road driving training as a desired objective if you engage in this activity.

In Solidarity,

Kim Mikkelsen
Executive Board Member - Region 6
