
Unit Officer Elections 2013

As provided for in the IBEW Constitution and in our Local\'s Bylaws, the current 4-year term for all Unit officers will end in October 2013.  To our current unit officers, thank you for your past volunteer service to our members in your unit.  We hope you will offer to serve as a unit officer in the new term of office, which begins after October 2013.

An election of Unit officers to a new 4 year term will be held at unit meetings held in October.  The Unit Recorder can receive nominations for unit positions any time between now and the October meeting in which the unit officer elections will be held.  Volunteers who have been nominated for unit office must indicate to the Unit Recorder that they are willing to accept the nomination.

Although most unit officer positions are won by acclamation, others are contested during the election held at the October unit meeting.  If a vote is required, it is normally done by secret ballot.

All Units wishing to continue as units of the Local must hold an election in October and provide particulars of their election.  Required information includes a list of newly-elected officers, and time and location of the meeting in which the election was held.  Please send election information directly to me, at [email protected] on or before October 31, 2013.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions.


Daniel E Dawson
President, Local 2228 IBEW
