
The Local 2228 NextGen Convention Experience

The 39th Convention marked the second time that NextGen/Renew members were invited to attend the International Convention as special guests. This initiative to educate our younger members on Convention protocols and proceedings allowed us to participate in all Convention proceedings as non-voting delegates. The experience was educational, rewarding, and exhausting. We have come back with a new appreciation for the sheer amount of work and planning that goes into not only the Convention itself, but regular Union business too. We as NextGen representatives were somewhat of a novelty to the regular attendees, but we were encouraged and congratulated which we all appreciated.

The NextGen/Renew caucus took place on Thursday during the first week before the actual Convention began. Young workers from across the two nations were able to take part in an open dialogue about not only the issues we face as we integrate into a workforce populated by workers of different generations, but also the amazing successes we have had socially and politically as we become more involved and gain our voice. The overall message that we took away was a positive one of bi-directional mentorship, forward vision and motivation.

As we move forward with our 2228 NextGen committee we will recruit and engage our younger brothers and sisters in the hopes of providing assistance to our regular units and giving more opportunities for local engagement. It is our hope that your faith in us as NextGen representatives has been well placed and that we will be able to increase local union involvement and provide a positive introduction to Local 2228’s newer members.

Thank you sincerely for the opportunity to attend and participate in this event, we both feel it was a success.

In solidarity,

Meaghan Olmstead, Winnipeg MB
Paul Whelan, Gander NL
