
Nav Canada Reorganization

The recent reorganization taking place within Nav Canada is causing unneeded stress and anxiety amongst the membership. The general lack of detail of the transition falls short of what has been expected by the Local.

I want to assure every IBEW 2228 member working for Nav Canada that the Local is here to support and advocate for you during this transition.  At this point, the Local has only received the same information from the company that the membership has.  I am disappointed at the lack of transparency so far in this transition and I have voiced my opinion in that regard to the highest levels of the company that this practice needs to change immediately.

Your union representatives are in constant contact with the company requesting detailed information and asking to be involved in critical decisions.

Should you have questions or concerns that the implementation is going to harm you in any way or that the collective agreement is not being applied properly, I invite you to contact me directly at [email protected]


Or contact one of our Regional Representatives.


Meaghan Olmstead Assistant Business Manager [email protected]

Michel Gaulin Eastern Business Representative  [email protected]

Glen Kautz Western Business Representative   [email protected]


The Local appreciates the patience and perseverance of all the members during this change and unprecedented time in history. Local 2228 is respected as a high-level professional organization because of the actions and dedication of its members and I thank each and every one of you for that respect.


In Solidarity


Paul Cameron

Business Manager/Financial Secretary

IBEW LU 2228
