
President’s Award – 2019

On behalf of the Executive Board it is my pleasure to announce the recipient of the 2019 President’s Award. Brother Farrukh Sheikh currently serves the local as the chair of the Edmonton South unit. He spends a great deal of time preparing, running, and keeping attendance up at the unit meetings. Farrukh does a lot of work behind the scenes, often going above and beyond his responsibilities as unit chair. Farrukh is also actively involved in the NAV Canada Joint Technical Committee. 

Farrukh is highly respected by his peers, his students, and by the management team. He has shown strong leadership through his involvement in union activities. In his current role as Technical Instructor, he has a vested interest in the success of his fellow union Brothers and Sisters.


The President’s Award is presented annually to a member, other than a current Table Officer or Executive Board member, who has contributed to the Local in the example of our first President, Brother Ed Donoghue, who gave of himself so that the Local could be born and grow.


Typically, the President’s Award recipient is a volunteer who has worked tirelessly on behalf of our members, encouraging them to come together to support each other and to hear new ideas. The recipient is a respected workers’ advocate, and has demonstrated leadership through their many union activities, some of which may include serving on committees and leading initiatives. The recipient has earned the respect of our members by providing service, guidance, and support to them during difficult times, all with good humour and a ready wit. The recipient has enhanced the reputation of the Local through their leadership, persistence, and professionalism.


I wish to extend the gratitude of the Local to Brother Sheikh for his ongoing leadership. Please join me in congratulating him on this award.




Dave Cupples

President, IBEW Local 2228
