
Nav Canada Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The local would like to provide you with some updates with regards to the ongoing situation with Nav Canada.

  1. ATM Service Reviews- At this time, the local has been informed that the company will be undertaking service reviews to look at the coverage model for ATM systems.  The company has commenced pulling data and analysing it, as it has not been looked at in a long time despite the systems and processes having matured significantly. The intent of this exercise is to ensure that coverage is being properly scheduled for the updated systems that are now in place. This is all the information we have been given at this time regarding this initiative, as more is communicated with the local it will be communicated in a timely manner to the membership.


  1. Workforce Adjustment- As many of you are aware, there has been another round of workforce adjustments within our group. As per the HR Business plan provided to the local, ten (10) positions were eliminated, and five (5) employees were declared surplus as a result of this workforce reduction. The other 5 postions mentioned are being reduced through attrition.

The local is still waiting for confirmed responses from the company with regards to several outstanding issues regarding displacement entitlements. Once all the outstanding issues are resolved, it is the local’s view that the displacement process can begin.

As always, we appreciate your patience as we navigate this situation.  Please rest assured that the Business Office staff and your Representatives are doing everything they can to ensure that each and every member of the bargaining unit is represented fairly and receives all the entitlements that they are supposed to under the Collective Agreement.

We hope that you are all safe and healthy in these uncertain times, and as always, please feel free to get in touch with the Business Office should you have any questions or need assistance.


In Solidarity,

Meaghan Olmstead

Assistant Business Manager

IBEW LU 2228

