
IBEW 2228 discontinues talks with Nav Canada

Due to various concerns and deficiencies in its offer, the Local has rejected a request for economic relief from Nav Canada. A ratification vote on the request will NOT be conducted. We would like to thank the members for their comments and concerns over the last few months. Constructive feedback from the membership is always helpful and welcomed.

Local 2228 has worked in a collaborative, open and transparent manner with the company since the beginning of COVID-19. Tremendously difficult decisions had to be made with the information available at the time. The Local went to great lengths in order to help the company in a time of need and it is upsetting and disrespectful that somehow our good faith has been interpreted as a weakness to be exploited. To be told that further economic relief is needed from the members at this time, for many reasons, is opportunistic to say the least.

The Local will update the website with information from the employer as we receive it.


Paul Cameron
Business Manager/ Financial Secretary
