09 August
2016Phoenix pay system updateMembers continue to reports problems with the Phoenix payroll system. As of August 5th thirty-five members filed reports with the union regarding problems with their pay or the payroll system.
19 July
2016Federal Government Negotiation Dispute ResolutionAll Federal Government EL’s will be receiving a voting package to choose their preferred dispute resolution process for this round of bargaining with the Treasury Board.
14 July
2016Phoenix pay system surveyMany public servants continue to experience serious problems with the government’s new pay system, Phoenix.
12 July
2016President's Message - Fall 2016President's Message - Fall 2016
11 July
2016Business Manager / Financial Secretary ReportGovernment Negotiations - Negotiations continue to progress very slowly.
16 June
2016President’s Award - 2015On behalf of the Executive Board it is my pleasure to announce the recipient of the 2015 President’s Award.
10 June
2016Le Conseil du Trésor cherche à rétablir l?équilibre en matière de relations de travailL?honorable Scott Brison, président du Conseil du Trésor, a envoyé une lettre à tous les chefs des agents négociateurs leur annonçant des mesures visant à rétablir l?équilibre aux négociations collectives. Ces mesures visent à faciliter la (…)
09 June
2016Le CTM de NAV CANADA avance dans ses travaux sur le Programme de maintien des qualifications techniquesDe nos jours, de nouveaux systèmes extrêmement fiables sont installés et nécessitent moins de maintenance préventive. Il s?agit là de bonnes nouvelles, car les systèmes de contrôle de la circulation aérienne modernes ont besoin d?une infrastructure (…)
09 June
2016NAV CANADA JTC Makes Progress on Continued Competency ProgramNew systems are being installed that are highly reliable and require less preventative maintenance. This is good news because modern air traffic control systems need a reliable infrastructure to keep traffic moving safely and efficiently. At the (…)
09 June
2016Treasury Board Seeks to Restore Balance in Labour RelationsThe President of the Treasury Board, the Honourable Scott Brison, sent a letter to each head of the bargaining agents announcing measures to restore some balance to collective bargaining. The goal of these measures is to facilitate the negotiation (…)