Bargaining Proposal Manager Goes Online
I\'m pleased to announce the launch of our web-based Bargaining Proposal Manager. This tool represents a significant improvement in the way we collect bargaining proposals and it?s one I\'m sure you\'ll appreciate.
You have asked for a simpler and more efficient way to submit bargaining proposals. In addition, you did not want to be bound by the timing of negotiations and meeting dates of various steering committees. This tool achieves these goals and much more.
Our new Bargaining Proposal Manager will:
- Allow you to submit proposals securely whenever an idea comes to you and on a range of subjects including OSH, National Joint / NAV CANADA Joint Council agreements, and any benefit program;
- Allow you to attach supporting documents to explain or justify your proposal;
- Easily accommodate the needs of our many bargaining units;
- Allow steering committees to organize and comment on proposals without any of the source information being lost;
- Provide you with a confirmation number so you can contact the Business Office to find out what happened to your particular proposal.
In addition to these features, the tool and its reporting capabilities will allow the Local to bargain with more information, make strategic links between proposals and maintain a history of the proposals over the long term. Our bargaining history will be readily accessible to future negotiating teams for years to come.
To access the Proposal Manager, go to our website and click the ?light bulb? icon near the top right-hand side of the page. You\'ll be immediately directed to the proposal manager. Have your membership number available because you will need it to submit proposals.
This tool represents a significant step to modernizing our process and we encourage you to use it as often as you feel necessary.
In solidarity,
Daniel J Boulet
Business Manager / Financial Secretary