
NAV CANADA Chief Steward Appointments

I?m pleased to report the filling of some long standing Chief Steward vacancies in NAV CANADA.  I will also take this opportunity to reorganize the Chief Steward structure to coincide with NAV CANADA?s structure.  As such, the Chief Stewards will be the main point of contact for all members within these FIRs.

Here is the complete list of Chief Stewards by FIR:

Gerard Noseworthy - Gander

Joel Brewer ? Moncton

Donald Dionne ? Montreal

Joseph Cardoso ? Toronto

Derrick Brown ? Winnipeg

Mohammed Osman ? Edmonton

Jason Heron ? Vancouver

I will also be maintaining a Chief Steward specifically for the National Capital Region.  Jeff Wendt will continue to perform that role for members in the NCR and in Cornwall.

A current list of all Shop Stewards is available here .

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Solidarity,

Daniel J Boulet
Business Manager / Financial Secretary
